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It’s no secret that January is the best time of year to be buying your greenhouse. The reason for this is twofold. Firstly it means you can get your greenhouse in place for the new growing season and secondly you usually find there’s a sale on. And with this second point Cultivar have launched their winter sale where you can save up to 10% on all their greenhouses. Whilst your new greenhouse is in production you can prepare the base for the greenhouse, ideally a flat level concrete pad or footing. Within 3 or 4 weeks you can be in your greenhouse, sheltered from the cold and wet outside, preparing for Spring by sowing seeds and nurturing tender seedlings. And with your greenhouse in place you will find that the garden season extends. In the greenhouse February feels like March outside and you’re plants will respond accordingly. Similarly as the season draws to a close out in the garden any plants in the greenhouse will be oblivious, protected under glass.
Perhaps your first job will be to put up a hook for your jacket or maybe you’ll head out to the local garden centre to get your seeds and composts. Back in the greenhouse find a spot for the radio and start potting up some plants, leave your worries behind. There’s no better way to relax than in your garden and in a short amount of time the fruits of your labour will reward you as your seedlings grow into strong plants. If you’re lucky enough to have a cold frames then these can be used in hardening off your plants in the transition from the greenhouse to the garden. This will clear some space on your staging for the next wave of plants which might include tomatoes, cucumbers or peppers. So what are you waiting for ? Get a price for your new greenhouse here and see how much you can be saving in the winter sale.